速報APP / 健康塑身 / 9 Minute a day

9 Minute a day





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:SF 1B JTM Mall Jagatpura Jaipur Rajasthan Pin 321001

9 Minute a day(圖1)-速報App

With this app you can workout for 9 minutes daily which improve your health and fitness definitely.

You can use it absolutely FREE!

9 Minute a day is a FREE workout routine app for both men and women that guides you for some best exercises. These workouts cover all major muscles. Spending 9 minutes a day can strengthen your body health and fitness. Simply select your routine and go ahead for your good body fitness.


- 12 different exercise for fitness

- Full body exercise with graphical view

- Workout for both MEN and WOMEN for fitness

- Graphical view of the exercise

- Fitness solution

9 Minute a day(圖2)-速報App

- Timer for every exercise with audio

- On screen instructions for exercise

- Fitness guide app

- Completely OFFLINE app.

9 minutes workout for good health

Fitness app for both men and women

Fitness guide

Good health app

exercise app

9 Minute a day(圖3)-速報App

app for fitness

app for health